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Smile with Confidence:
Discover the Best Dental Care at Seven Hills Practice. Based in Edinburgh.

Transform your smile in 3 simple steps:
1. Attend for a smile assessment

2. Invisalign Provider makes a digital scan and shows you an instant smile simulation

3. Start treatment and see your smile transforming in weeks

Invisalign is highly discrete, non-painful and simple cases can be treated in under 6 months.

Treatment costs from £2,500

Invisalign Orthodontic Treatment

Dental implants are changing the way people live!

There are various treatments we can do with dental implants;

Replace a single missing tooth.
Replace multiple missing teeth.
Stabilise ill-fitting dentures.
Replace removable dentures with fixed teeth in a day.
Surgical treatment to increase available bone and gum tissue for Implant placement.
Treatment costs from £2,300

Dental Implants

We provide a full range of Dental treatments such as Cosmetic make-overs with Veneers, Ceramic Braces, Invisalign Clear braces Orthodontics, Dental Implants, Teeth whitening, Gum Disease treatments and Laser Treatments and Cosmetic Dental fillings. 
We believe that a healthy, good-looking smile is not something just for the lucky few, but something we can create for everyone!  

Dental Treatments

Transform Your Smile with Our Exceptional Dental Services 

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Are you unhappy with the appearance of your teeth? Here at Seven Hills Dental Practice, we are skilled at all types of cosmetic dentistry; such as Veneers, Ceramic Braces, Teeth Whitening, Cosmetic Dental Fillings and Laser Treatments.

Get in touch with us today to discuss your requirements and we can give you a quote and advice. 

Cosmetic Dentistry

Get In Touch Today

Think we can help? Fill in our form above or if you have any questions don't hesitate to email or call us!

More About Our Experts

Meet our Dentists!

Dr Vineeth Balachandran

Director & Implant Dentist

Dr Fu Ling Fan 

Lead Clinician

Dr Thomas Green


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"After 6 months today i finally had my new crown fitted to my implant! And i love it .... its given me a great smile again ! So huge thank you to Mr Balchandrian it was pain free from start to finish along with the other work i had done too thanks again .. see you soon." 

Richard Begbie

"I’ve had 3 implants done by Dr’s Balachandran and Fan and am very happy with the results. The practice is relaxed, but very professional, and since reopening after the coronavirus lockdown, they have fully observed the government guidelines." 


"I have been with this dental practice for approximately 10 years and always appreciated the high standards of all the team. Recently I needed remedial treatment to an upper front bridge resulting in work on all six front teeth. Meticulous preparation by Mr Balachandran has resulted in a look and finish much, much better than I had anticipated, so pleased. " 

Kathryn Thomson


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Seven Hills Dental Practice 302 Oxgangs Road North Edinburgh EH13 9ND

Opening Hours

Mon - 09:00 - 18:00
Tues - 08:00 - 17:30
Wed - 09:00 - 18:00
Thurs - 08:00 - 17:00
Fri - 08:00 - 13:00
Sat - Closed
Sun - Closed
